Monday, April 21, 2014

Break Time

I'm feeling pretty empty where the blog is concerned right now. The ideas are either not there, or not converting well from thought to post. Rather than flail away, I'll walk away, for now. You know what this means--I'm sure to find a bunch of things to post about in the next few weeks. I'll be turning up in your feeders, and you'll be thinking, "Hey, didn't he say he was taking a break? What's he posting for?" We'll see if that happens. For now, I'll drop in on your blogs when I feel so inclined, and will use the time to get my head on straight. Thanks, all, I'll be back.


  1. It happens! Thanks for stopping by my place. :)

  2. Breaks are good :)

  3. I know the feeling. I'm thinking of taking a break in May ... but since I only post once a week anyway, I may be able to keep that up. lol

  4. Enjoy the break, Jeff! Hope to find you suddenly inspired and posting again soon. :)

  5. Think of yourself as a Leaf in the post season... No playoffs to worry about... just time to think. We take that break every single year like clockwork around here!


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