I'm in one of those funny spots.

And yet….On Thursday night, after chauffering the Catbird
and her friend down to a movie, I had time: time to write, time to revise, time to make headway toward my goal of having the manuscript query ready by the end of the month—and I got nothing done. Nada. Zilch. And I came home last night and thought,
"It's Friday, Friday (sing it, everyone); no Saturday morning obligations,
I can stay up all night, I can work on this, I can finish it by the end of the
weekend." Instead, we caught up on Revolution (I don't know if you watch
this show or not, but I'm enjoying this season more than last. Last
season, there was just a little too much 'let's travel incredible distances on
foot and somehow make it there before the seasons change' happening. This
season has our heroes mostly concentrated in one place, and I think that's to
the benefit of the program's believability quotient. But anyway…), and then we watched a couple of episodes of Malcolm inthe Middle, which for my money is still one of the funniest TV shows ever, and I went to bed without working on the manuscript at all. And here I
am at 8 AM on Saturday, with no
obligations, and I'm writing a blog post. What's the deal?
Well, I know two deals. One, the section I'm working on is a
problem. I'm at the end of Chapter 21, though on my last read through I noted
that it probably should be its own chapter. The section needs to be in the
book, yet I started retyping the opening paragraph half-a-dozen times, and it
just feels—wrong. I can't put my finger on it. And trying to rework it gave me
that itchy feeling inside my head and made me agitated, so I decided to skip it
and go watch TV instead. Oh, wait, I actually worked on the query a little bit,
but that made my head even worse.
I've been here before, and I think my probem is I'm afraid
of is the next step. I like this manuscript. I like the story, I like the
characters, and I think it's got potential to sell. But I know that part of the
problem is with that potential. Potential. It's like a rock poised at the top
of a hill. Potential. Once I release this thing, once I get the query letter
written, once I push the rock at the top of the hill, it no longer has
potential. It's going to roll down the hill. It's going to smash into things
and run over things, but eventually it's going to come to rest somewhere. It
could be in the middle of someone's living room or backyard. Or it could come
to rest in a field somewhere, unnoticed. Or it could roll into a lake and sink
to the bottom. It's a scary place to be, and I know many of you have been
there. As long as I keep the manuscript at the top of the hill, it's got
potential. It can be a bestseller. It can be a blockbuster. It can be the next Twilight, I can be the next Stephen King.
Once it starts rolling, however….
Have a great weekend, all.